Upload your documents
Please use the red 'Upload here' button in the bottom-right of your screen to start the document upload process. If you don't see the button, please make sure you have consented to the use of cookies (you can change your consent on the Cookie Policy page).
We will need you to upload the following information:
- One document from section 1, which can be uploaded as follows;
- Picture of the original document, held by yourself (selfie) with both the document and your face clearly legible in the picture, or;
- Certified copy of the original document (see list of acceptable certifiers)
- One document from section 2 uploaded in either a picture or a PDF format.
This must be readable and contain your most recent address. - A picture of the completed documentation slip (enclosed within our letter to you), making sure the full page is readable.
Evidence of personal identity (All clients)
- Current signed passport
- National identity card
- Current photo card driving license
Evidence of personal identity (for UK clients only)
- Blue disabled driver’s pass
- Self-employed registration cards (CIS3 (partner); CIS4(P); CIS4(T); CIS5; CIS6
- Shotgun license
Evidence of address (All Clients)
- Utility bill dated within past 3 months (mobile phone bills not accepted)
- Current driving license (must contain address)
- Recent bank statement (can be a PDF download)
- Recent system generated letter from regulated financial firm
- Most recent mortgage statement
- Lease agreement
Evidence of address (for UK clients only)
- Local authority tax bill (current year)
- Solicitors letter confirming house purchase or land registry confirmation
- HMRC correspondence addressed to the applicant at the stated address (dated within the last year)
- Local council rent card or tenancy agreement