Fundsmith Sustainable Equity Fund
157.58p T Class Acc, 21 Oct 24

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Payment type

An ISA (Individual Savings Account) is a savings account available to UK residents on which the return is tax-free and which need not be declared on the investor’s tax return. All income (dividends and interest) and all capital gains within the account are free of tax. For the current year, 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025 the overall investment limit is £20,000 (excluding the British ISA which has a separate £5,000 limit).



  1. Terry Smith

    Financial Times - Why I never invest in bank shares

    Having spent the first decade of my career working in a bank and then becoming a top-rated bank analyst, I find that people often express surprise that I never invest in bank shares. But I think it is precisely because I understand banks that I never invest in their shares. The recent events surrounding the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”) and Credit Suisse reinforce this stance. Why?

    By Terry Smith, Financial Times
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  2. Financial Times - There are only two types of investors

    There is a lot to lose and little to gain from market timing
    I last wrote about the problems of so-called market timing in these pages in 2013 (Market timing: don't try this at home). With the Covid-19 pandemic dominating the news and recent volatility on world stock markets, you may have heard a lot about market timing again.

    By Financial Times
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  3. Money Observer

    Money Observer - Fundsmith’s Terry Smith: forecasters are like Michael Fish

    Tumult, turbulence and turmoil are just the words beginning with the letter T used by commentators to describe the behaviour of stock markets in October. I think it’s always good to look at the definition of the words we are being asked to accept. For example: turmoil, noun: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty . synonyms: confusion, upheaval(s), turbulence, tumult, disorder.

    By Money Observer, Terry Smith
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  4. Financial Times – Emerging Markets ETFs and the Jaws of Death

    In his latest article and podcast for FT Money, Terry Smith discusses why it may seem a strange position for an active fund manager to adopt but he is in favour of passive or index investment; the problems with emerging market ETFs; and the types of companies that these ETFs invest in.

    By Fundsmith
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  5. Fidelity - Market & Insights

    In this interview between Terry Smith and Maike Currie, Terry speaks about Warren Buffett's approach to investment and how he has used these principals in his investment strategy.

    By Fundsmith
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  6. Financial Times

    Financial Times - Where's the beef?

    Terry Smith discusses how the popular US catchphrase 'Where’s the beef?' is relevant to the current predicament of McDonald’s, the world's largest fast food operator.

    By Financial Times, Terry Smith
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    Fidelity - Three steps to heaven

    Terry Smith details Fundsmith's simple three stage investment process - invest in good companies, don't overpay, and then do nothing.

    By, Terry Smith
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