Inheritance tax (IHT) & estate planning
Guidance - Inheritance tax (IHT) & estate planning
Inheritance tax or estate planning? In this seminar, we discuss why planning isn’t solely around trying to reduce any tax liability by taking a high level look at IHT and some of the issues.
If you have any comments or questions on the presentation, please contact: Niall Allardice, Private Client Director
This presentation took place on 21st June 2023 at the Fundsmith office in Cavendish Square, London. The information contained therein is correct as of that date. Nothing contained within the presentation or the accompanying notes should be taken as advice. Should you feel you need advice please contact an independent financial adviser.
N.B. This presentation was created using Microsoft PowerPoint and therefore if you use another software package to open it, it may distort some of the formatting. Regardless of which package you use, notes are provided for each slide to provide further context. Several of the slides are best viewed by using the slide show option. This is because the slide itself contains multiple graphics designed to appear/disappear as the slide was verbally explained at the live event.