Fundsmith Equity Fund
754.96p T Class Acc, 11 Feb 25

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Payment type

An ISA (Individual Savings Account) is a savings account available to UK residents on which the return is tax-free and which need not be declared on the investor’s tax return. All income (dividends and interest) and all capital gains within the account are free of tax. For the current year, 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025 the overall investment limit is £20,000.



  1. Fundsmith

    Fundsmith Plans Junior ISA For Government Launch Date

    Fundsmith today announces plans to launch a Junior ISA. As the latest savings initiative from the Government to promote investing for children, Fundsmith would welcome the Junior ISA investment limit being raised 20% to £3,600 and would also encourage the Government to convert Child Trust Funds to Junior ISAs to aid simplicity, broader consumer adoption and equal opportunities for all children to maximise their savings.

    By Fundsmith
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  2. Fundsmith

    Fundsmith Launches Online ISA Capability & Further Web Functionality

    Fundsmith, the new asset management company founded by Terry Smith, announces that direct investors can now invest in the Fundsmith Equity Fund ISA online, at The Fundsmith website also now has the functionality for direct investors to choose between Accumulation and Income Units.

    By Fundsmith
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  3. Fundsmith

    Fundsmith Appoints Another Sales Director

    Fundsmith, the new asset management company founded by Terry Smith, announces the appointment of Conrad Rey as Sales Director to Intermediaries having recently announced the appointment of Catherine Evans as Institutional Sales Director.

    By Fundsmith
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  4. Fundsmith

    A Fundamental Approach to Investing From Terry Smith

    Fundsmith is a new asset management company established by Terry Smith because he believes that most existing equity funds have not delivered what they promised. Fundsmith will be the main vehicle for his own investments. Instead of the multitude of expensive poor performing funds which investors currently have to choose from, the Fundsmith Equity Fund will offer investors the opportunity to invest alongside him in a high quality, concentrated portfolip...

    By Fundsmith
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