Fundsmith Equity Fund
679.59p T Class Acc, 26 Jul 24

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Payment type

An ISA (Individual Savings Account) is a savings account available to UK residents on which the return is tax-free and which need not be declared on the investor’s tax return. All income (dividends and interest) and all capital gains within the account are free of tax. For the current year, 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025 the overall investment limit is £20,000 (excluding the British ISA which has a separate £5,000 limit).



  1. Fundsmith

    Beware of Email Phishing

    Beware of emails purporting to be from Fundsmith which have fake reply addresses using the domains; FUNDSMITH-CO.UK and ONLINE-FUNDSMITH.CO.UK

    By Fundsmith
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  2. Investors Chronicle - Terry Smith talks big tech, fraud and ESG

    Terry Smith, Fundsmith's chief executive and chief investment officer, fields the IC's questions about his portfolio and some of the biggest investment trends of today. He shares his views on China, the limits of ESG investment and some of the flagship fund's biggest holdings.

    By Investors Chronicle
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  3. Fundsmith

    Fundsmith Appointment

    Fundsmith LLP, the fund management company founded by Terry Smith, announces the appointment of Paul Mainwaring as Chief Financial Officer.

    By Fundsmith, Fundsmith
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  4. Financial Times - There are only two types of investors

    There is a lot to lose and little to gain from market timing
    I last wrote about the problems of so-called market timing in these pages in 2013 (Market timing: don't try this at home). With the Covid-19 pandemic dominating the news and recent volatility on world stock markets, you may have heard a lot about market timing again.

    By Financial Times
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  5. Fundsmith

    Fundsmith Long/Short fund

    You may have seen some media articles about a new fund that we have recently registered, the Fundsmith Long/Short Fund. The fund has been set-up to manage a portion of Terry’s assets that had hitherto been invested in bonds where yields are now near zero. The fund is not run by Terry Smith or being marketed to investors.
    Read the full statement...

    By Fundsmith
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  6. De Tijd

    De Tijd - 'Beursreactie op coronacrisis heeft weinig met beleggen te maken'

    ‘De forse beursverliezen door de coronacrisis zeggen meer over de tijdelijke massahysterie van de maatschappij dan over beleggen. Wie belegt in goede bedrijven moet zich geen zorgen maken, ook niet in crisistijden als deze.' Dat zegt de Britse fondsbeheerder Terry Smith, die door zijn beursprestaties de Europese Warren Buffett wordt genoemd.

    By De Tijd, Peter van Maldegem
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  7. Beware of Email Phishing

    Beware of emails purporting to be from Fundsmith which have fake reply addresses using the domains;





    By Mark Laurence
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  8. Fundsmith

    Fundsmith Appoints IFA Sales Director

    Fundsmith LLP (‘Fundsmith’), the fund management company founded by Terry Smith, announces the appointment of Scott Chivers as Sales Director to independent financial advisors (‘IFAs’), strengthening its customer relationship team.

    By Fundsmith
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  9. Fundsmith

    Response to The Sunday Times article

    Fundsmith is aware of an article published in The Sunday Times on 24 March 2019 alleging that we fail to abide by FCA rules on portfolio disclosure. Fundsmith has always prided itself on being at the vanguard of investor communications and The Sunday Times has now published a prominent apology.

    By Fundsmith
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  10. Apology from The Sunday Times

    On 24th March, The Sunday Times wrote an article suggesting that we were in breach of the FCA rules by failing to publish our full portfolio online. Today they have published a prominent apology, confirming there is no FCA or other obligation to do so and that we disclose our full portfolio of investments upon request. As we informed them ahead of publication of the original article, The Sunday Times has confirmed that we are not in breach. “We apologise to Mr Smith for this error.”

    By The Sunday Times
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  11. Money Observer

    Money Observer - Fundsmith’s Terry Smith: forecasters are like Michael Fish

    Tumult, turbulence and turmoil are just the words beginning with the letter T used by commentators to describe the behaviour of stock markets in October. I think it’s always good to look at the definition of the words we are being asked to accept. For example: turmoil, noun: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty . synonyms: confusion, upheaval(s), turbulence, tumult, disorder.

    By Money Observer, Terry Smith
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  12. Justin Cash

    Money Marketing - Inside Fundsmith’s new investment trust (video)

    Last month, star manager Terry Smith announced he was throwing £25m of his own money behind a new investment trust, Smithson. Ahead of its launch, Money Marketing editor Justin Cash sat down with Simon Barnard and Will Morgan, the fund’s managers, to talk strategy, as well as their thoughts on some of the hottest topics in investments.

    By Justin Cash, Money Marketing
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  13. Alex Sebastian

    Daily Mail - Star fund manager Terry Smith reveals new investment trust to find and profit from the world's best small and mid-sized companies

    City star Terry Smith has revealed plans for a new investment trust focused on global small and mid-sized companies. Smith's self-titled firm Fundsmith will roll out the Smithson Investment Trust with the aim of finding and investing in 25 to 40 of the world's best small and medium-sized companies.

    By Alex Sebastian, Daily Mail
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